On September 8, 2024, the first screening of the film “Nina” was held in Vancouver, with the presence of the crew, actors, experts, and cinema enthusiasts. The film is based on a novel titled “Nina,” written by Mehdi Meshgini, and inspired by a true story. With a special focus on the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement in Iran, the film was written and directed by Abdolreza Kahani and produced by ARK GATE FILMS in 2021.

The screening was met with great success and audience enthusiasm. A Q&A session was held, where attendees shared their thoughts on the film. Mehdi Meshgini, the author of the novel, spoke about the book, and director Abdolreza Kahani provided insights into the filmmaking process.

Screenings continue in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton. To purchase tickets, click here. 

Photographers: Sheen Studio Vancouver: Milad Pouladi, Nooshin Ahmadi.